Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'm slacking on the posts here!

Wow.  I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted anything.  Maybe "baby brains" has finally kicked in.  In the past month, the following has happened.
I found Tiny baking and preparing for Thanksgiving, which we spent at Aunt Lauren and Uncle Ian's house this year.  Daddy came home from Great Lakes, IL to spend time with us for a few days.  IT WAS AWESOME!  We had lots of fun just lounging around, laughing, and spending time together.  Dana was amazed with the baby.  Last time he saw it, it was the size of a sesame seed.  Now Tiny's not particularly so tiny anymore.  Daddy felt the kicks and little movements, and baby certainly could hear his voice.  Whenever Dana would talk to it, I could feel our baby squirming around and kicking.  When he put his hand on my belly, I'd literally feel the baby's fist move directly underneath it.  It was beautiful.  :)  We miss him.

However, I have a plane ticket to Chicago on the 17th of this month until the 22nd... and it only cost me $2.  (I had some leftover funds in my account at  We're so excited to go!!  Dana can't come home for Christmas, so this is kind of an early Christmas visit so he can see his little family again.

The "Welcome Baby!  We'll miss you, Marybeth!" cake from my goodbye party at work.
On Friday, I had my last day of work at Severns Dentistry.  I CRIED my eyes out!  I just loved working there for the past 3 years.  We always had lots of fun, and I truly loved my co-workers (who are actually much, much more... We've become great lifelong friends), my two bosses who always treated me with much respect, gave me a reason to love my job, and who I admire so very much, and also my patients which I got to know very well.  I just enjoyed every moment in that office... including the frustrating times because they always gave me a fun story to share.  I hope I can go back someday and return to my job.

In the meantime, my new favorite job will be taking care of my wonderful baby and my very loving husband... and I'm positive it will be far, far more rewarding and enlightening than any other job I'll ever have.  :)

Oh, and I also had to get some prenatal bloodwork done over the past month, but we don't need to elaborate on that anymore.  *Gag*

25 weeks (tomorrow) and growing....

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