Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Portrait day!

19 week portrait day!

Today I had the day off work, so I got busy doing my week 19 shots.  I have fun doing them.  It's always fun to get out my camera and practice, but it's even more of a challenge to get out and practice on yourself!  I have to set up my camera on my tripod and use my remote on 2 second delay to get situated.  It's actually quite comical to see if you were watching.  I stand in place, push the button on my remote, and then chuck it across the room so it's not in the picture.  It even makes me laugh, especially when it hits a wall or something.  It's really unnecessary for me to throw it as hard as I do sometimes.

I've been feeling the baby kicking around a lot these past few days.  It's almost to the point where I can tell when it wakes up and when it's napping.  Honestly, it is the coolest thing in the world.... if only I could get it to not kick my bladder when I'm in the middle of working on a patient and can't get up.  ;) 

Anyways, in my babycenter.com update I got this week, they said baby's sensory development is exploding, and research shows baby could hear my voice.  I had a hunch that it possibly could because after work yesterday when I was driving home, I was singing for whatever reason louder than I normally do, and that little bugger was kicking up a storm.... probably begging me to quiet down!  haha.  Then, I got home and read that in my email, and it kind of made sense.  It also said that baby is about 6 inches in length and is starting to sprout hair on its head.  I bet the hair is curly.  :)

146 days to go!!  I'm almost halfway there!

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