"Some of my more unfortunate girlfriends have had such extreme nausea that they would gag right in the middle of a sentence. My poor girlfriend Maryann was so plagued by morning sickness that she would throw up spontaneously. There would be no warning signs, like a wave of nausea or a watering of the mouth. One moment she would be chatting normally, and the next minute it was the pea soup scene from The Exorcist. She just sat as quietly as possible with her mouth clenched tightly to try to keep the mess to a minimum."
This book makes me laugh. A week or so ago, one of my patients at work asked me what pregnancy books I've been reading. I told her "What To Expect When You're Expecting," which is almost a given with how popular it is among expecting mothers these days. She suggested I read "The Girlfriends' Guide To Pregnancy" because it was her absolute favorite, and it didn't contain only medical advice or questions like all the others. Being somewhat of a hypochondriac anyways, I thought maybe I should read a book that didn't put horrible ideas/symptoms into my head to save the little sanity I have left! I decided to take her advice because she seems to have a personality like my own. Out of curiosity, I stopped at Half Price Books only to find a good, solid copy for $1! I started reading it and was laughing hysterically at some of the stuff in there while I was outside the other day. My voice was echoing all over the neighborhood. The author basically tells it exactly how it is, and always has funny comparisons or stories to go with every subject. It's seriously great! I would recommend it to any mother-to-be, especially if she has a quirky sense of humor like my own.
In other more recent news, I'm finally being able to tell the difference between the baby moving and... well, I don't know what else I thought it was before. Digestion doesn't feel like someone bouncing around inside you... at least not normal digestion! I feel flutters occasionally, but I've mostly felt teeny tiny kicks when my bladder is super full. I think the baby is giving mama upper cuts and jabs to get her out of bed cause it's being squished by what feels like an overactive bladder. ;) It's really fun to feel that, though. As much as I yell down to it in my most ferocious baby voice, "Stop hurtin' your mama, Tiny!", I secretly want it to keep kicking around more and more all day long just so I know it's having fun in there.
I really, REALLY love this little baby.
(5 ounces, 5 inches long now... 161 more days to go!)